API Rule
Basic Specification
Rule | Specification |
Transmission Method | To ensure transaction security, HTTPS is used for transmission |
Submit Method | Submit using POST method |
Data Format | Submit and return data are in JSON format, basic data { "result_code":"OK", "result_msg":"SUCCESS", "charge": { } } |
Character Encoding | Unified use of UTF-8 character encoding |
Signature Algorithm | SHA1WithRSA |
Signature Requirements | Signature verification is required for both requesting and receiving data |
Authorization Requirements | All API operations require authorization to use |
Integration Logic | First judge the return of the protocol field, then judge the return of the business, and finally judge the transaction status |
Header Specification
Request Content-Type: content-type
- set the Header value to JSON format.
- Example: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request Accept: accept
- set the Header value to JSON format.
- Example: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request URL address: x-ca-resturl
- Set the Header value to the URL address of the unified delivery or order query request.
- Example: https://pay.xxx.io/pay/unifiedorder or https://pay.xxx.io/pay/orderquery
Request timestamp: x-ca-timestamp
- Set the Header value to the millisecond or higher precision timestamp (millisecond/microsecond/nanosecond) of the current request.
- Example: millisecond timestamp 1586007620038
Request random number: x-ca-noncestr
- Set the Header value to a 32-bit system random number to prevent repeated requests.
- Example: MD5 (system random number)
Request authorization KEY: x-ca-auth
- Set the Header value to the key obtained by the merchant applying for the API interface.
- Example: 772ae1d32322f49508307b2f31a0107f
Request signature: x-ca-signature
- Set the Header value to a signature calculated using the SHA1WithRSA signature algorithm, and the signature will be verified by the server.
- For specific algorithm rules, please refer to Signature Algorithm
Signature Algorithm
Step 1: the merchant system API interface will assign the key and the payment platform data public key platform_pubKey , and use the Alipay RSA signature verification tool generate the merchant data by itself RSA key pair (private key priKey and public key pubKey , note: non-JAVA applies to 2048 pkcs1s):
- key: the key corresponding to the merchant system API
- priKey: the RSA private key that signs the merchant system request data
- pubKey: the RSA public key that the payment platform verifies the merchant system request data
- platform_pubKey: the merchant system to the payment platform Returns the RSA public key for data verification
Step 2: spell the string to be signed , the rules are as follows:
string = URI in UTF8 format +
newline character\n + URI query parameter in UTF8 format +
newline character\n + x-ca-noncestr Header value in UTF8 format +
newline character\n + x-ca-timestamp Header value in UTF8 format +
newline character\n + POST request JSON data in UTF8 format
string = /pay/unifiedorder
- A blank line means that the URI query parameter of the request is empty
Step 3: use the SHA1WithRSA signature algorithm to calculate the x-ca-signature signature, as follows:
- Perform Base64 operation on the signature string to obtain the sign value
- Read the merchant private key priKey and convert it to the openssl key private key
- Pass the sign value and private key into the SHA1WithRSA signature algorithm to calculate the signature
- Perform Base64 operation on signature to get x-ca-signature value
Step 4: After the payment platform receives the request from the merchant system, it will verify the request data. If the verification fails, the result of failure is returned; if the verification passes, the corresponding payment business logic is executed and the corresponding result is returned. The payment platform performs the SHA1WithRSA signature algorithm on the returned results. Examples of the returned results and Header are as follows:
"result_code": "OK",
"result_msg": "SUCCESS",
"charge": {
"channel": "inpay_payout",
"out_trade_no": "05Apr2021084746550",
"client_ip": "",
"amount": "100",
"currency": "INR",
"subject": "inpay_payout",
"body": "inpay_payout",
"extparam": {
"accountname": "kumar hamad",
"bankaccount": "6228480415647314871",
"bankname": "HDFC"
"credential": {
"out_trade_no": "D20210405084748405109",
"merchant_wallet": {
"id": "44",
"uid": "100003",
"paytype": "0",
"currency": "INR",
"limit_credits": "0.000",
"security_deposit_credits": "0.000",
"unsettled_credits": "39128.819",
"hold_credits": "0.000",
"commission_credits": "144498.771",
"available_credits": "25386.424",
"status": "1",
"create_time": "1541787044",
"update_time": "1542617892"
x-ca-timestamp: 1617583668305
x-ca-noncestr: 963613FA553D6405C6E0D345BA32B6DB
x-ca-signature: f+boCXBdpfZItp4TykM7BB03qGTZ9Yf6eBZD8D6mPQQsn0yTYAjy+46UJnhfChQ4z1CjfcW4AbHxZNT8cc5wxErLTt7rLYPD0T6RfOiyDY1AFTgFvY2P5pUi3WtHxqgpvkOrM6XT0PGts4Pzi1yBAMwzVZ4q6fSbitlvR36sk\/MCV1RKVbHlVzeCGMQ38dg3Frny9kBEYhgqzqHPZteiTt5sOuokN8eHqLEqImsS4xlosDD9Mgb3BckegQIdIBoRezqn+JrM8glU2iEq5VxAuhZBkqNT76BHdUA8KbO5yOqRRbqpOQf7iTGRqBgNHtuwZg+HbQcff\/t\/fxx\/COdD1w==
- Step 5: After the merchant system receives the returned result, in order to ensure payment security, it is strongly recommended that the merchant verify the returned data before proceeding with corresponding business processing. The signature verification algorithm is as follows:
Spell the string to be checked and signed , the rules are as follows:
string = x-ca-noncestr Header value in UTF8 format +
newline character \n + x-ca-timestamp Header value in UTF8 format +
newline character \n + the full JSON data of the returned result in UTF8 format
Then perform Base64 operation on the string to be verified to obtain the verify value, and input the returned Header x-ca-signature value, verify value , the platform data public key platform_pubKey. These three parameters implement the SHA1WithRSA signature verification algorithm.